Tagged: mozilla

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Firefox 51.0.1

Firefox (referred to as Fx) is a free and open source browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla’s team continues to focus on fixing bugs and adding useful features. Improving the user experience is especially important to the team. Users will enjoy that Firefox focuses on speed, privacy, and security. In fact, you’ll get all of these things straight out of the box. Features...

Firefox logo

Firefox 51

Firefox (referred to as Fx) is a free and open source browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla’s team continues to focus on fixing bugs and adding useful features. Improving the user experience is especially important to the team. Users will enjoy that Firefox focuses on speed, privacy, and security. In fact, you’ll get all of these things straight out of the box. Features...

Firefox logo

Firefox 50.1.0

Firefox (referred to as Fx) is a free and open source browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla’s team continues to focus on fixing bugs and adding useful features. Improving the user experience is especially important to the team. Users will enjoy that Firefox focuses on speed, privacy, and security. In fact, you’ll get all of these things straight out of the box. Features...

Firefox logo

Firefox 50.0.2

Firefox (referred to as Fx) is a free and open source browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla’s team continues to focus on fixing bugs and adding useful features. Improving the user experience is especially important to the team. Users will enjoy that Firefox focuses on speed, privacy, and security. In fact, you’ll get all of these things straight out of the box. Features...

Firefox logo

Firefox 50.0.1

Firefox (referred to as Fx) is a free and open source browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla’s team continues to focus on fixing bugs and adding useful features. Improving the user experience is especially important to the team. Users will enjoy that Firefox focuses on speed, privacy, and security. In fact, you’ll get all of these things straight out of the box. Features...

Firefox logo

Firefox 50.0

Firefox (referred to as Fx) is a free and open source browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla’s team continues to focus on fixing bugs and adding useful features. Improving the user experience is especially important to the team. Users will enjoy that Firefox focuses on speed, privacy, and security. In fact, you’ll get all of these things straight out of the box. Features...

comodo logo

Comodo’s broken OCR issues certs to the wrong organizations

A recent bug report on Mozilla’s Bugzilla states that Comodo’s broken OCR is issuing certificates to the wrong organizations. Details in the report outline that Comodo issued an incorrect certificate to the domain of a major Australian provider. What makes this worse is that the developers of the OCR software were aware of the faults. This issue also has an impact on the .eu...

Firefox logo

Reducing Adobe Flash Usage in Firefox

Browser plugins, especially Flash, have enabled some of our favorite experiences on the Web, including videos and interactive content. But plugins often introduce stability, performance, and security issues for browsers. This is not a trade-off users should have to accept. Mozilla and the Web as a whole have been taking steps to reduce the need for Flash content in everyday browsing. Starting in August,...

Firefox logo

Shipping Rust in Firefox

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost seven years since Mozilla Research first began sponsoring the development of Rust, at the time little more than an ambitious research experiment with a small but devoted community. Remarkably, despite a long history of inventions and discoveries, it’s key principles have remained constant. The core team’s original vision—a safe alternative to C++ to make systems programmers more...

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SourceForge going too far: Now taking over Firefox

As SourceForge continues to take over projects in order to inject them with malware/adware to line their pockets, the latest victim is none other than Firefox. A bug report has been started by a redditor named TannerMoz to get the attention of Mozilla’s legal team. With luck this will help stop SourceForge from doing these kinds of negative actions to the Firefox project and...