Tagged: nouget

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Android Nougat drops support for Nexus 5 and 2013 Nexus 7

It’s official: No Android Nouget. That is, if you run the Nexus 5 and 2013 Nexus 7 won’t receive the Android 7.0 Nougat update from Google today. The update will roll out to the Nexus 6, 9, 5X, 6P, the Pixel C tablet, the Nexus Player, and the General Mobile 4G (an Android One phone that has been included in the beta program), but...

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Android 7.0 Nougat is rolling out to Nexus devices

Today is the day we’ve all been waiting for since March when Google unexpectedly dropped the Android N developer preview on us. Android 7.0 Nougat, as it’s now known, is officially done and rolling out to Nexus devices, the Pixel C, and the General Mobile 4G. There aren’t any big surprises here—the final build is virtually identical to the last developer preview, but it should...