Tagged: security

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Recent Lunarsoft Updates

There have been several updates to Lunarsoft recently. These updates cover every part of Lunarsoft from the Wiki to the Frontpage and the Forums as well. Several minor issues were identified recently and resolved. The updates and issues identified are as follows: Frontpage: Several of the extensions used for the Frontpage website have been updated. Security update has been applied. Automated news posting to...

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Facebook accused of deceiving developers over security

Facebook has been accused of deceiving developers after it emerged that the social networking site did nothing to verify the security of applications it was paid tens of thousands of dollars to review, and which it assured users had been checked. It is believed Facebook was paid up to $95,000 (£60,600) by developers whose applications were entered into its verified apps scheme. The system...

microsoft logo

A look back at Microsoft’s 2011 security landscape

Decrease in Critical Issues and Bulletins As far as individual issues, Critical-class CVEs accounted for less than a third of the issues we addressed in bulletin releases for the first time since we began our monthly bulletin-release cadence in 2004. And in absolute numbers, Critical-class CVEs are at their lowest levels since 2005. The fact that we’re seeing lower percentages of Critical issues and...

Fading data could improve privacy

Fading data could improve privacy

Privacy could be enhanced if data was allowed to fade, suggests research. Dutch researcher Dr Harold van Heerde is looking into ways to gradually “degrade” the information that sites gather about visitors. Slowly swapping details for more general information can help guard against accidental disclosure, he said.

Traditional antivirus will die in the next two years

Traditional antivirus will die in the next two years

For the vast majority of users, at least, the current model of paying for and installing separate online security software products for each device, OS and transaction environment is on the way out. It has to die. Why? Look at the way the kids use Google, and then look to the future. Increasingly, users expect to be able to communicate and transact across a...